Some information about our upcoming event in February
The carnival vibes are slowly kickin‘ in when the first post about Schlums is popping up on your feed. 😏 This year’s carnival falls late in February, so maybe you can already smell the blooming apple trees next to the good old Schlumser Sportzone while dancing to another banger by Ave and wearing a mexican sombrero with a poncho. 🌵
All our past and future artists at a glance. From Liaze to KXXMA and 60+ other artists, it's all here!
Did I hear right.... Become a promoter!? If you want to join the Fume Promoter team, why not give it a try and sign up for the waiting list? As a Fume Promoter, you will benefit from many different advantages. These include team bonuses, internal prizes, insight into backstage decisions and many other benefits...
You have questions and we have the answers! You can find some right below here.